Featured articles written for The Fair Cottage, an e-commerce site with a focus on sports, nature and sustainability.

Surf Training: Mastering the Waves Begins Outside the Water

Surfing is a sport that demands skill, strength, and agility. While time in the water is important, surf training begins outside the waves. By incorporating a well-rounded workout routine, surfers can improve their balance, core strength, and overall fitness levels.

Let's explore how surf training can be taken to the next level both on land and in the water.

Surfing requires a strong and stable core. Traditional exercises like planks and Russian twists can target core muscles effectively.


Revitalize Your Body and Mind: 5 Benefits of Practicing Yoga After a Flight

After a long flight, you might be tempted to hit the pillow and take a nap. But before you do, consider doing some yoga instead. Yoga is a low-impact exercise that can help ease the physical and mental stress that comes with air travel. Flying can take a toll on the body, resulting in stiffness and discomfort. Luckily, yoga can help alleviate these symptoms and promote well-being.

Here are some of the benefits of doing yoga after a long flight:
• Stretching: Sitting in a cramped airplane seat f

North Devon Officially Designated as the Newest World Surfing Reserve!

North Devon in the UK has been chosen as the newest World Surfing Reserve.

Including famous surf spots like Croyde, Saunton, Woolacombe, and Lynmouth. This exciting news was celebrated by the community.

The reserve aims to protect the waves so that everyone can enjoy them in the future. The Local Stewardship Council, a group led by community members, will take care of projects to keep the reserve safe. They will work on improving water quality, reducing pollution from sewage and plastic, and p

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